Life and Works of Rachel Carson

Rachel Carson

Life and Works of Rachel Carson

Rachel Carson, the author of Silent Spring


Rachel Carson,  the author of Silent Spring

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Rachael Carson

Published in 1962 in the United States Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring is a groundbreaking literary piece. It surveys mounting evidence that the widespread use of pesticides has endangered life on Earth. Rachel openly and logically criticizes the chemical industry that continues to claim that pesticides are safe. Few books have had as much impact on late 20th-century life as Rachel’s prophetic insight highlighted in every line of the book Silent Spring.

1907- Rachael Louise Carson was born on May 27, 1907, in Springdale Pennsylvania.

Her parents are Robert Warden Carson and Maria Frazier McLean. Though they have very meagre earnings Maria Frazier’s talent and education boosted their children’s childhood. Rachael’s mother was an ornithologist and bird watcher. She infused in young Rachael a love for nature. From a very young age, Rachael began writing stories about animals.

1918- She had published a prize-winning magazine piece by age ten. It was published in the children’s magazine St. Nicholas.

Most of her reading and writing focused on themes from nature and she had a particular interest in the oceans.  Her rural upbringing on the family farm infuses within her a fundamental affection for nature.

She was a bright but reserved girl who focused on academics than on socialising.

1925- She earned a scholarship from Pennsylvania women’s college.

Mary Scott Skinner, a young zoology professor inspired her to pursue her study in biology.

1929– She graduated with honours

1932- Receives master’s degree in Zoology at Johns Hopkins University

1935– Her father died suddenly. Family responsibilities were on her shoulders. It put an end to her formal studies. She started working at the Bureau of Fisheries and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.

1937- She was the sole provider for her mother and the child of her deceased sister.

1941– She published her first book: Under the Sea Wind


Rachel Carson, the author of Silent Spring


1951- She published her second book: The Sea Around Us

1952- She received National Book Award for Nonfiction.

1955-  Her third book The Edge of the Sea was published.

While doing her research for The Edge of the Sea, Rachael became highly concerned and grieved observing how her beloved seas and oceans are used as dustbins by the people for dumping garbage and industrial waste.

She started her research work on DDT and pesticides.

1958-  Her mother died.

1960- Rachel was diagnosed with Cancer.

But nothing could stop her.

1962-  Silent Spring, her avant-garde non-fiction appeared in print for the first time as a three-part serialization in The New Yorker Magazine in June 1962.

1963- CBS Reports broadcast a one-hour TV program called “ The Silent Spring of Rachel Carson”.


1964- Rachel died on April 14, 1964, at her home in Silver Spring in Maryland. She was then only fifty-six years old.

1972- Widespread use of DDT was banned.



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