A Man by Keiichiro Hirano
A Man by Keiichiro Hirano

A Man by Keiichiro Hirano

Book: A Man Author: Keiichiro Hirano Translator: Eli K.P. William Publication: Amazon Crossing Pages: 302 Price: Click the link below   Author Introduction: A Man by Keiichiro Hirano is a…

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Native Son by Richard Nathaniel Wright
Native Son by Richard Nathaniel Wright

Native Son by Richard Nathaniel Wright

Book: Native Son Author: Richard Nathaniel Wright Publication: Vintage Classics Pages: 480 Price: Click the link below Synopsys of today’s Discussion: Author Introduction Introduction to the Text Narrative Techniques Major…

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Anon by Bhavani Iyer
Anon by Bhavani Iyer

Anon By Bhavani Iyer

Anon by Bhavani Iyer Book: Anon Author:  Bhavani Iyer Publication:  Fingerprint Publishing Pages: 312 Price: Click the link Synopsis of Today's Discussion: Author Introduction Anon by Bhavani Iyer  Storyline Literature…