Kalliope Barlis
Over thirty years of experience in the field of neurological programming spurred Kalliope Barlis to venture into this book. We all are crippled with some kind of phobia…atelophobia, agoraphobia, cynophobia, claustrophobia etc. Variegated phobias surround our existence in haunting terror.
Barlis is a Licensed Master Trainer of NLP and a TEDx Speaker. Her courageous and friendly hand always bestows on people who are struggling with unreasonable and miserable fears.
In our lives, we all are afraid of adverse situations, chronic diseases, the death of loved ones, break-ups, and financial disasters. All these make us alarmed. We are afraid to lose our position, health, and security.
These fears are mostly common, more or less in everyone’s life. They are general fears. These fears protect us. There is nothing wrong with it. But when our fears take the shape of unreasonable anxiety and insanity it is called phobia. It is an extreme form of fear where the individual loses mental balance and becomes a prisoner of his or her own prison house.
If there is a real threat, our apprehension regarding this keeps us safe. Is there anyone who is going to play with a tiger or lick the fire? No, we are well aware that a ferocious animal tiger is not going to hug us amiably, and fire is not going to apply a soothing balm on our skin.
Barlis studies human psychology from close proximity and identifies different kinds of phobias lurking inside the dark psyches of the human race.
With a bold voice, she shows us how to deal with them and take control of our lives. So, if you are still lagging behind the vicious cycle of phobias go through the book and master the tenacity to dodge it away. She mentions different kinds of phobias and guides us on how to overcome them. When you change how you think, then you can change how you feel. Live your life with a purpose. If you are interested in how to accept that challenge, Phobia Relief by Kalliope Barlis will be your guide.
Before reading the book, I searched on YouTube for Barlis’s TEDx talk on phobias. It is amazing and healing. I am greatly motivated by the insights Barlis talks about regarding phobia. It highlights the urgency of discarding unnecessary phobias to live a complete life. We can reverse phobias by moulding our brains and changing our thought patterns.
I want to express my plaudits to the author as well as the editor. They have both done a great job. I rate the book five out of five because it has expanded my determination to deal with the phobias I am suffering from. The book is handy, and one can read it in a single sitting, but the effect of reading stays inside the renovated thought pattern forever. There is nothing negative about this book. No profanity or any bias is projected here. It is written beautifully and provides practical advice to us.