Zen, The Art of Simple Living by Shunmyo Masuno Book Review
Book: Zen, The Art of Simple Living
Author: Shunmyo Masuno
Publication: Michael Joseph
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Zen, The Art of Simple Living by Shunmyo Masuno
This book contains 100 daily practices from a Japanese Zen Monk Shunmyo Masuno for a lifetime of calm and joy. The author, born in 1953, is the head priest of the Soto Zen temple. He is renowned for designing gardens. His lifelong involvement with designing gardens and agriculture gets condensed in his books too.
Sometimes the cover tells most of the story:
Though it is said that don’t judge the book by its cover, I feel this proverb will prove false in this respect.
When I picked up the book I did it for its cover page…so simple, serene and soothing for my eyes as if it captures all the hues of ancient placid civilization…as if it is a dream to sit at the brink of the water, calm, cool, and quite watching distant ice tossed peaks, deep forest, busy herons.
It is a million-copy bestselling book and why it should not be when all the world is running behind the easy way to get rid of this tough world web of living. We all want to learn the art of simple living in this complex web of the zig-saw puzzle, labyrinthine life. We are
running and rushing, pushing and pulling ourselves without halting a second to bother the reason behind it. Day by day our life is getting frittered with anxiety, stress, and negativity. This book provides a life…Zen style…to live…in simple terms, encapsulating simple habits:
” This book is about just that: simple living, Zen style. Changing your lifestyle does not need to be difficult. Slight changes in your habits. A subtle shift in your perspective.”
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