Book: Laburnum for My Head
Author: Temsula Ao
Publication: Penguin India
Pages: 120
Price: Click the link

Dr. Temsula Ao (1945-), Nagaland’s most eminent contemporary folklorist, academic and author was born in Jorhat, Assam, British India. She is a poet as well as a short story writer. She collected Naga folklores and gave them her own innovative touch and identity. She received her M.A. in English from Gauhati University and her PhD from the North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong. Later she joined North Eastern Hill University as a lecturer in English in 1975. She retired from service in 2010. From 1992 to 1997, she served as the Director of the North East Zone Cultural Centre.
Her most significant collections are:
Once Upon a Life: Burnt Curry and Bloody Rags (memoir, 2013)
Songs That Tell (collection of poems, 1988)
Her collections of short stories:
These Hills Called Home: from a War Zone (2006) Laburnum for My Head (2009)
She was honoured with Padmashri in 2007 and the Sahitya Akademi Award in 2013 for her Laburnum for My Head. Her works have been widely translated into many Indian and foreign languages.
Laburnum for My Head
Her story collection, Laburnum for My Head is a slender volume comprising her eight short stories:
Laburnum for My Head
Death of a Hunter
The Letter
Three Women
A Simple Question