” Far from narrowing your options, niching up opens a world of possibility to say yes to the people who are right for you and your business – the ones you are best suited to help.”
Why should you read the book, Chris Dreyer’s Niching Up?
Chris Dreyer’s Niching Up is the best pick for those who are desperate to feather their nests in the niche-based specialised business arena as well as affiliate marketing. Many of the mentors of the niche marketing world who are tucking their chins with doubtful fingertips, pondering on the niches that will crack the nut for them can definitely follow the experience line of Chris Dreyer, founder and CEO of Rankings.io, an SEO agency that works on personal injury cases.
Niching is a personal choice and only you know what is your lucky number. But how to choose your niche and how to work on it is the most inclusive strategy to reap the reward by identifying the potential needs of the clients. This book is a comprehensive guide knocking at every nook and cranny of your curious bent, probing the pros and cons of this market segment.
Chris accentuates the necessity of identifying your passion field and working on it. Building relationships online or in person is very important. To gain reliability one must add value and keep focus on developing a personal network. Getting connected and united with people sharing the same interests is a potential target of this specific marketing.
If you want to be a successful niche regulator instead of a creepy stalker you have to develop a value-provider relationship. Overdrafting your relationship can spoil the game. Focus on flanking a reliable connection rather than exhibiting the sleazy salesman’s banner.
Promote others, help others, and be useful to others to earn their faith and adherence. It will take time. And every single day is going to add to your experience. Time is the guide that will ripen your knowledge and experience in this subset market demography. So focus on learning rather than earning. And at the end of the day, it will earn a good turn for you. Let people choose you without you pursuing them.
Chris Dreyer’s book not only guides one through the alleys and expanse of niching up but also explores the rules of true entrepreneurship. For the niche-hunting marketers, this book is a gem but those who have nothing to do with niche centres network industry and prefer to live far beyond it (like me) also can pick up this book for a good vibe.
Honestly, as I go through this book I get charmed by the honest and determined tone of the author who had started his niche searching from scratch and is now able to build an empire on it. It is a true story of hardcore dedication and dogged tenacity.
This book is going to motivate you, teach you, guide you and finally build your enterprising by adding value and experience to your target marketing. After flipping the last page you are ready to go beyond the meagre economic calculation of profit and loss and acknowledge a greater scope for you.