One Petal at a Time by Joni Karen Caggiano
Tags: a pioneer in the study of dysfunctional families, BookReview, Catharsis, Claudia Black, DysfunctionalDynamics, EloquentLanguage, EmotionalExfoliation, FranciscoBravoCabrera, HumanEmotion, Illustrations, JoniKarenCaggiano, MaryOliver, Metaphor, Nature, One Petal at a Time by Joni Karen Caggiano, OnePetalataTime, Pathos, Penmanship, PoetryCollection, Vulnerability
Hi, I'm Munmun here and welcome to my book blog. I'm an English Teacher. But more than that I love to read books and write down my thoughts. I feel we can change the world by circulating the introspections of great columnists throughout the world. You are free to contact me at
Not a fan of poetry. But both her poems and your review touch mu heart deeply.
Temp mail I appreciate you sharing this blog post. Thanks Again. Cool.