"It's Hard to Be a Vampire" by Viktoria Faust

“It’s Hard to Be a Vampire” by Viktoria Faust

“It’s Hard to Be a Vampire” by Viktoria Faust

“It’s Hard to Be a Vampire” by Viktoria Faust is a captivating short story collection that delves into horror and science fiction. Faust, a prominent Croatian author, has earned the “Queen of horror novels” title in her home country, with over thirty published books and four prestigious SF and horror awards. So, in this book, we can expect the best from her.

The collection spans two decades of Faust’s writing career, highlighting her mastery in weaving chilling tales. The titular story, “It’s Hard to Be a Vampire,” takes a humorous twist as it explores the desire of a girl to become a vampire, thwarted by societal expectations. Faust’s ability to infuse humour into the horror genre adds a unique flavour to the narrative. It is written in a mock tragic style.

The stories celebrate multilayered themes. Somewhere painting becomes the spirit of the painter; art becomes his disease. Sometimes the testament of a vampire hunter overchills your conventional thought process. These stories are slices of horror where the colour of the painting changes into blood and the portrait becomes a living being to expose her sadness to a little boy. All the stories are inebriated with mystery, and some are with predominant humour.

"It's Hard to Be a Vampire" by Viktoria Faust
“It’s Hard to Be a Vampire” by Viktoria Faust


In essence, “It’s Hard to Be a Vampire” is a testament to Viktoria Faust’s ability to craft diverse and compelling tales within the horror genre. Each story offers a unique exploration of human nature, fear, and the unknown, making this collection a must-read for fans of dark fiction. Faust’s distinctive voice and imaginative storytelling cement her position as a formidable figure in horror literature.

Alvina’s Verdict:

Faust’s writing style is impeccable, delivering each tale with precision and creativity. The balance of horror and humour is masterfully executed, keeping readers on the edge of their seats while eliciting occasional smiles. The stories are typos-free, highlighting the author’s commitment to quality. Overall, this anthology earns a well-deserved 5 out of 5 rating for its exceptional storytelling, unique twists, and a perfect blend of chilling narratives with a touch of dark humour.


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