Love Story by Erich Segal, Book Review

Love Story, Erich Segal

Love Story by Erich Segal, Book Review


Book: Love Story

Author: Erich Segal

Publisher: Hachette India

Pages: 207

Price: Click the link 

Love Story, Erich Segal
Love Story, Erich Segal


Today I am here with a beautiful yet heart-wrenching love story of

Oliver Barrett and Jenny. I have read and reread the book and I can assure it is a cosy, sad and splendid engagement on my part. 



Love Story, Erich Segal,- Yes… certainly, I’m an avid reader and my favourite genre is  love story. The red leaf and flower motifs decorating the whitish cover with the quote from the author, ” Love means never having to say you are sorry”, easily catch my eyes in the journey of book-searching.

In a Nutshell:

 “Ollie, you’re a preppie millionaire, and I’m a social zero.”

Oliver Barrett, a boy from an affluent family, where only money matters, not relations and feelings, fell in love with Jenny, a girl of music. Jenny, a very smart and intelligent girl from a very humble family with no mother but a loving father divulges in deep love and admiration for this boy, an ice-hockey player.

At one point in time, they feel they should marry deterring Jenny’s plan to go to Paris for further music learning.

Oliver’s father does not approve of the match and disowns him from any financial help.

But they marry.

“What the hell does that have to do with separate ways? We’re together now, we’re happy.”

They both struggle hard to sustain their lives and to continue Oliver’s education. Finally, Oliver completes his study and gets a good job. But life plays a cruel game to them. As they are planning to start their new lives Jenny is detected with a terminal disease leading to death.

Technique and Style:

The language is as simple and soothing as the easy flow of the river. There is no complexity of verbose. The ups and downs of the love affair are presented in a very lucid and luminous way so that everyone can enjoy it. The dialogues are short yet impressive and the characters wear no grandiose or extravagant frippery.

Alvina’s Verdict:

Go for it if you are really a crazy romantic and sentimental fool like me to cry over the dry pages of love and bereavement. It is really a passionate and entertaining journey with a sweet, romantic, yet heart-breaking love story.




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