Becoming Flawesome: The Key to Living an Imperfectly Authentic Life
Kristina Mand Lakhiani
Hay House Publication
Who is Kristina Mand Lakhiani?
If you want to know about Kristina Mand Lakhiani you must be aware of her brand slogan:
” Your greatest potential comes from self-acceptance.”
Kristina is an entrepreneur, writer public speaker and most of all a loving and caring mother. She was born and raised in Estonia. Most significantly she co-founded the organization, Mindvalley, a global school for all eager learners.
Ok if you want to get connected with this blithe spirit visit her here:
Kristina Mand Lakhiani
The Book: Becoming Flawesome: The Key to Living an Imperfectly Authentic Life
The book has total eight parts each of which comprises several chapters:
“I was 40 when I started suspecting that I was living a life. Not a bad lie. Not a complete and utter lie. Just a little pretending – a mask here and a mask there, a little playing along to fit in.”
I’m 39 now racing towards my 40 and I pick this book with a deep curious bent of my mind to replay the vinyl record of my bygone years with the hope to find the lost me.
As I go through the book page after page, chapter after chapter, I feel it is like a journey to my pilgrimage. The eternal dilemma that echoes in our heart, our craze to be perfect in every respect or more precisely in the author’s terms our inclination towards Hermione Syndrome to discover the better version of us is knocked down here not in the usual glorious terms.
Often in the course of finding the better version of ourselves, we lose ourselves. None of us is perfect and being imperfect is no less ingenious. “To err is human”. Most of the time we give ourselves to this crazy Whirlpool of prudish perfection and lose our primary identity to this system.
Success is an arbitrary concept. Even if we don’t consider Derrida’s deconstruction the word success is itself a fleeting idea as its perimeter is ever receding in respect of place and race.
The author in a straightforward way unfurls this truth of our life.
In a very easy yet evocative tone she differentiates the physical and mental barriers that spur us to discover happiness in the forgotten nooks and crannies.
“… authenticity is not a switch – you cannot flick it ok and off at will. It is like a skydive. Once you step out of the plane door and pull the cord, your parachute opens and there is no way back. You cannot pack it back into your bag mid-air and retrace your fall back up to the plane.”

What do I learn from this Book?
- Get ready to embrace yourself as you are.
- Be honest to own self.
- Don’t be afraid of hypothetical critics.
- Be happy and at peace with yourself.
- There is nothing wrong with wanting to be happy.
- Prioritize your happiness over everything else.
- Learn to let things go.
- Accept yourself as you are. Personal growth does not mean you have to follow others’ prescriptions of perfection.
- Master the art of living your life.
- Being a perfectionist is not the only goal of your life.
Everyone in this world of motivation talks about perfection. Is not it weird that today we are celebrating our flaws to become ourselves?
When I finish the book, I feel so happy within, so rejuvenated. Yes, I have taken the red pill and there is no turning back. Here for everyone, I suggest the red pill.
The chapters are crispy and punctuated with self- sojourner’s life view. Your only moral duty is to be happy and at peace with yourself.
Finally, the expanded vocabulary that is inserted at the end of the book is very helpful.
And from the end notes it is obvious that the author is an avid reader. The red pill she offers us is made of multitudinous molecules of experience she gathered from her life and from the lives she has met and get acquainted with through her wide range of familiarity and popularity.
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