Sent to Watch by David J. Lebenstein is a work of fiction that centres around a fictitious continent named Malefora, where on the Western side of the north coast was a large oval-shaped peninsula, divided into nine warring kingdoms. One such Kingdom was Grellyrort (Grelland), its language being Grellish. The capital of this kingdom is Dufa Da.
Science progress, as well as colonialism and power mongering. The urge to earn supremacy over the other nation is a general instinct. No sovereign power goes out of this instinctual ritual. This tug of war for predomination adds a new name, an alien planet, speaking Mraznian. The Mraznian speakers were known as Earth 1 and the Grellish speakers were known as Earth 2. Communication developed between them and Interstellar romance, marriage, and lawsuits. Gradually more Earths accumulated inside the ongoing power web. Efficient agents got involved in keeping the legislation in motion with their brains and muscles.
I am greatly attracted by the novelty of the theme, and the free play of imagination on the author’s part. Nothing had escaped from his creative intention, be it Mozart’s 27 concerti and 19 sonatas or Vittmian soldiers. Maybe the author’s multi-layered ways of living add to the diversity of his theme. Being an amateur musician and composer, Lebenstein is well acquainted with the world of music and musicians. Unni’s interest in piano learning reflects the author’s musical chords. Though the book follows a hard-core realistic attitude, with constant warfare or military urgency, the family bonding between Ori and Unni and their concern for their children is heartwarming. How they balance their work life with their personal journey, touches my heart. Will it be possible for Ori and Unni to keep their family safe? What is going to happen on their journey back to Earth 43? Will they be safe from the ongoing violence?
The storytelling manner is fascinating. Readers are sent to a cosy haven of bubbling curiosity. Every chapter introduces a new pattern of connectivity, culminating in chapter 32. David J. Lebenstein proves his excellence in weaving a brilliant plot and narrative mode. He creates multiple civilizations in his novel, being a part of the human civilization.
There is nothing I dislike about the book. The book is excellently edited. No profanity or vulgarity has marred the brilliance of the plot. As a geoscientist and enthusiastic admirer of planetary science, Lebenstein is aware of the themes he had played with in this book. Interstellar fiction and fantasy stories emerge as true stories of life, with a spectacular abundance of real-life elements.
I love Ori, the bravest man I ever met. He has stunned me with his sense of responsibility and determination. How he fought till his last breath to keep others safe, demands a thousand salutes.
One more thing that touches my heart is the ending of the story. The brutal fire that incinerated the ship along with Ori and the wife and three children of the farmer, changed as well as bound the fate of those who remained to cope with the upcoming future. Again, Unni’s sagaciousness is reinforced by her espousal for the new situation. I rate the book 5 out of 5.