“The Way of the Goddess” by Ananta Ripa Ajmera

“The Way of the Goddess" by Ananta Ripa Ajmera

“The Way of the Goddess” by Ananta Ripa Ajmera

“The Way of the Goddess" by Ananta Ripa Ajmera
“The Way of the Goddess” by Ananta Ripa Ajmera

The Way of the Goddess by Ananta Ripa Ajmera


“The Way of the Goddess” by Ananta Ripa Ajmera is a brilliant introspective inquisition on Hindu Gods and Goddesses and related rituals that we practice during the ceremony. And when you finish the book, you will feel that the cogency of her reflection is irrefutable.

Ritual is embedded in our daily life, whether religious or traditional. From birth to death, we are ensnared by different rituals. But how many of us follow rituals consciously, or just perform them out of habit? Some rituals we follow in our daily life for our physical well-being and some rituals we follow to appease gods and goddesses. There are more than a thousand Hindu Gods and Goddesses, sprouting from ancient Vedic culture whom we celebrate through different festivals.

But the question that the author has submitted at the very beginning lingers in every heart. Where lies the significance of such blind following when our society does not worship a girl named Durga or Laksmi but makes them the most vulnerable ones? Even a girl named Lakshmi is raped when an idol named Laksmi is worshipped.

“The fact that this little girl had been abused and yet was named after the most widely worshipped Hindu goddess struck me like a lightning bolt. Why could we not connect the divine feminine that we worshipped during Navratri to the divine feminine inside this little girl, inside all little girls and women?” Page 13

So, following the rituals and worshipping the images of gods and goddesses cannot connect us with our spirituality. But our spiritual journeys start with our personal expeditions to awaken our inner selves.

“The Way of the Goddess” by Ananta Ripa Ajmera shows us the roadmap to start our journeys to understand the inherent significance of cultivating spiritualism in our daily lives, following some rituals. She mentions certain daily practices that will help us to arouse our ‘nine chakras’ one by one with the help of minimal available resources.

Alvina’s Verdict:

In no way, I can deny the authenticity and wisdom of the author. So wonderfully she guides her readers to the spiritual path through certain daily practices. The book motivates us to awaken our ‘chakras’ and heal our physical and mental barriers. The book is a powerful journal towards the road of illumination. It would be a crime on my part if I didn’t mention Gaby Gohlar for her excellent illustrations. The decoration and designs enhance the quality and beauty of the book. The images are so vibrant with colour and aesthetics, that it easily catches attention. There is nothing to dislike about this book. The language is lucid and eloquent. There is no profanity. Though the book is based on the Hindu religion, anyone, inclined in his or her spiritual journey can take benefit of it through certain daily practices applicable to all. I rate the book 5 out of 5. The author does not preach her beliefs to you but shares her journey that will kindle your soul to be a blessed one.






Hi, I'm Munmun here and welcome to my book blog. I'm an English Teacher. But more than that I love to read books and write down my thoughts. I feel we can change the world by circulating the introspections of great columnists throughout the world. You are free to contact me at munu.ruku2020@gmail.com.

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