My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk
My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk

My Name is Red, Orhan Pamuk

Book: My Name is Red Author: Orhan Pamuk Publisher: Faber and Faber Pages: 688 Price: Click the link   Introduction : Nobel winner (2006) Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk's (born…

r.h.sin ,a beautiful composition of broken and other anthologies
r.h.sin ,a beautiful composition of broken and other anthologies


Reuben Holmes( 1989), is a poet of unique authenticity in creating an excellent poetic web with the most simple words. He is born in New Jersey.        …

Lullabies, Lang Leav, Poetry Collection
Lullabies, Lang Leav, Poetry Collection

Lullabies, Lang Leav

Book of Poem: Lullabies Poetess: Lang Leav Publication: ‎ Simon & Schuster (17 September 2013) Pages: 176 Price: Click the link Introduction: Born in 1980, Lang Leav is an international best…

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