A Dream for Peace by Dr. Ghoulem Berrah
Life has many facets. There are some people whose life stories reach the multicoloured bands of a rainbow. Ghoulem Berrah is such a personality whose life is a daring example of challenges that one can accept in a single life. In his memoir, “A Dream for Peace” he introduces his readers to the variegated and distinctly textured life that he traverses.
Born in Ain Beida, a small town at the foot of the Aures Mountains, in northeastern Algeria, Ghoulem Berrah’s life was not confined to the province of Constantine. Though his father’s passion was hunting, he started his career as a medical student in Bordeaux, France. Later, he joined the Algerian war as a freedom fighter for his country’s independence.
“A Dream for Peace” by Dr. Ghoulem Berrah is a Kaleidoscope of world history. We are not only introduced to the political scenario of international geopolitics but also become familiar with contemporary revered and powerful persons who held important positions in world history, like Dr. Abdelkrim El Khatib, the head of the Moroccan Liberation Army and the first surgeon of Morocco, Zhou Enlai, the Prime Minister of China, John Kennedy, the President of the United States, Mr. Abdelkader Chanderil, former journalist and a cultured fellow of Algeria, Felix Haurowitz, an American from Czech republic and a world-renowned eminent professor, Siad Barre, the President of Somalia, President Houphouët Boigny of Côte d’Ivoire and numerous other great personalities. These people shaped and configured his career and opinion.
He “was invited to the People’s Republic of China to represent the FLN and the youth of the Third World” (page 101). Again, he was invited by the President of the All-China Women’s Federation. There his interaction with the President on the role of women in society attracted my attention. I cannot fully agree with his opinion that women should stay at home to mould the character of their children like the President. Any way his judgement is no less worthy in respect of mothers’ role in developing the characters of future generations but for the upliftment of the next generation a mother should only play the role of a homemaker, is objectionable. His contribution in fostering peace between Israel and Palestine as well as in Africa is noteworthy. He also tried to establish a cordial bond between the Arab countries and the Western world. The author has shared many pictures of important personalities, meetings, and credentials to make his journey more convincing and memorable.
There is nothing I dislike about this book. The story of Dr. Ghoulem Berrah’s life, and the history of the world that he shares, both reconcile with the social and political documents of the then scenario. The writing style is poignant and interspersed with severe international issues like tyranny, segregation, racism etc. I rate the book 5 out of 5. Apart from some minor mistakes, the editing of the book is impeccable. And there is no profanity. It will be a classic experience on the part of the readers to go through this captivating chronology of a versatile genius. The density of consolidated observation on the distribution of opinions enlivens the history of a single man in the most significant way.
“In light of my faith and knowing fully well that each one of us has a specific mission to fulfil during his or her lifetime, I ventured to put all my heart into whatever I tried to accomplish at every single moment, and I embraced all humans as unique in the eyes of the Almighty.” Page 623
Despite the shower of numerous honours and positions, he never loses his faith in God and his humbleness as his basic string of character-chord elevates his disposition.